In 1948, the UN General
Assembly set down a Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Ask before you buy:
Firecrackers, cigarettes and more such products are made in sweatshops in India
that employ children in extremely harmful working conditions. Next time u buy
something read the label in detail and make a smart choice!
Influence Awareness:
Half the people who are being exploited don’t even know about the rights the
constitution provides them with. So, start by educating your friends!
Respect differences:
Instead of judging your next door neighbour because of his religion or
community, try getting to know him/her instead and listening to his view!
Address people on
merit, not demographics: When you need to judge someone, consider their skills
and their personality – not from they come or their skill or gender.
Drop the
attitude: If you someone who is being exploited, don’t walk on. Stop, talk to
the victim , offer assistance and get help from a local NGO.